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My Services

GW Ecology services fall into two categories:

Events, including workshops, events and talks,

and survey work, including habitat and protected species.

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GW Ecology runs regular workshops where particpants learn new ID skills and receive attendance certificates.

GW Ecology can also be contracted to run workshops for other organisations. Previous clients that GW Ecology has run workshops for include RSPB, The Wildlife Information Centre and Cassiltoun Trust.

Workshops can either be in person or online.

GW Ecology's own workshops will be advertised via this website, on social media

and on GW Ecology's Eventbrite pages.


If your organisation is interested in GW Ecology running a workshop for you then please get in touch.



GW Ecology can lead a wide range of events including bat walks, moth events, pollinator walks and also educational events focused towards children such as pond dipping and minibeast hunts.

Other organisations engage GW Ecology to lead events, primarily bat walks. These organsations include the Edinburgh and Lothians Greenspace Trust, Friends of Norham Castle and Paxton Trust.

As well as in person bat walks GW Ecology has also developed online events such as Virtual Bat Walks where the event has been prerecorded and Live events on social media, such as Facebook.

GW Ecology will advertise their own events through our social media and if you are interested in GW Ecology leading an event for you or your organisation please get in touch for a quote.



GW Ecology can provide a variety of wildlife related talks, either online or in person. Subjects include mammals (either in general or specific group or species), wildlife in general, wildlife rescue and rehabilitation, habitat management, biological recording and more.

The cost of providing a talk to another organisation will depend on a few factors including is it a talk that GW Ecology already has on "shelf" so little preparation required, is it an in person or online talk and how long the talk is going to be including questions and answers. If you are interested in GW Ecology providing a talk then please do get in touch.


Bespoke Events

GW Ecology can provide a range of bespoke events for your community group, uniformed organisation or even just family event. These could involve pond/stream dipping, minibeast hunt, pollinator walk or a bat walk. The activities would be aimed at the appropriate age level and could be purely educational or could include fun environmental games, though even the purely educational actvities will be fun!


The cost of providing a bespoke event will depend on a few factors including what type of event it is, how long event is, how much preparation is involved and how much travel is involved. If you are interested in GW Ecology providing a bespoke event then please do get in touch to discuss.


Habitat Surveys

GW Ecology is available to carry out habitat survey work and produce reports to support planning applications and also to provide baseline data for proposed projects, such as tree planting and habitat creation.

Please get in touch if you wish to discuss a project and have GW Ecology provide a quote.

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Species Surveys

GW Ecology is available to carry out protected species surveys and undertake any mitigation works that may result from the surveys.

GW Ecology has experience of carrying out a variety of species surveys including Badger, Otter and Bat surveys and has applied for appropriate licences where relevant.

If you require a species survey carried out or just want to know if you require one then please contact GW Ecology to discuss.

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